Monday, January 31, 2011
Emotional Eating
The important thing is to try and think about how you are feeling when you reach for the fridge handle. I try and ask myself am I really hungry? When did I eat last? This has stopped me from over eating on numerous occasions.
There's several things you can do to try and avoid emotional eating:
1. Food Journal. I know I have mentioned this before, but even if you only keep track for a week or two this can tell you a lot. Try writing down how you felt before you ate, what you ate, and how hungry you were.
2. Think before you eat, ask yourself those questions. Am I hungry or just bored, sad, depressed, or even happy.
3. Find healthy outlets for your emotions. Make a list of things you could do instead of eat, and next time you think you are hungry try one of the things on your list. If you are still hungry afterwards, have a small snack.
4. Find a support group or therapy. No one likes to admit when they think they have a problem but there wouldn't be support groups out there if they weren't needed. Overeaters Anonymous has local chapters around the country.
5. Remove temptation. Try and stock your pantry or kitchen with healthy choices so that when you do find yourself eating it's something healthier.
6. Don't deprive yourself. Allow yourself that treat after dinner or whenever, but try and find a healthier version or just have a smaller portion.
7. Don't diet. Make changes to your everyday life. Don't think of this as something you can stop doing once you get down to the size you want. This is a life long commitment.
Remember emotional eating is something everyone struggles with. Trying to lose weight can be hard and if you get depressed every time you eat a brownie, you are just going to turn around and eat more. Pat yourself on the back for the little things you do accomplish every day and try and let go of the crap so to speak.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Portion Control Tips
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Goodbye Coffee!
There's been numerous studies done on the effects of coffee and caffeine on the human body. A lot of those studies ask the question what impact does coffee and or caffeine have when one tried to lose weight. So I spent several hours reading about studies, both positive and negative.
Most of the studies and articles I read suggested that coffee may help short term with weight loss , however it is NOT effective long term and can be damaging to your health.
A few of the reasons why:
Coffee is hard on your body. It can negatively affect numerous systems including: the digestive tract, adrenal glands, kidneys, liver, cardiovascular functions and causes your body to pump out extra insulin to combat the affects of the coffee.
Coffee stops your body's natural cleansing process. It is also a diuretic. Coffee actually keeps your body from flushing out the bad stuff and makes you flush out the good stuff you need like potassium.
Coffee beans are naturally high in oils that lead to higher cholesterol levels. Now add the sugar and cream that most people add and you can imagine it only gets worse.
I'm no doctor, and none of what is written in this blog should be considered medical advice, please consult your physician for that, but I read a lot and there may be some positive effects from drinking coffee, but do they outweigh the risks?
After having done this research I granted myself one last coffee today. So farewell, my good friend. This self proclaimed Java Junkie is calling it quits!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Mmm Subway Sandwiches
So last night the significant other and I went out to grab dinner since grandma was going to have dinner with the kids before they came home. We recently bought a sheet of Subway Sandwiches coupons from a local fund raiser. The majority of our coupons are buy a foot long meal and get a free foot long sandwich, which works out great for the two of us.
I ordered my favorite: Roasted chicken breast. Yum! Since I am trying to eat healthier, I ordered my roasted chicken breast sandwich on Subway's 9 grain wheat bread. Toppings included American cheese ( I love it, I can't help it.), lettuce, onions, green bell peppers, spinach and one pass of Subway's Chipotle Southwestern Sauce.
Since the meal included a drink and bag of chips, I had a Lipton Brisk Raspberry Iced Tea and a bag of SunChips. When I came home and tallied my calories using Subways Nutritional information (provided on their website), I was pleased with what I saw.
For this 6” Subway Sandwich with my toppings was: 440 calories. 160 from fat, 18g fat, 4.5g saturated fats, 45mg of cholesterol, 1160mg sodium, 47g carbs, 4g fiber, 5g sugar, and 25g of protein.
Usually, when I go somewhere to eat and then come home and check out the nutritional information, I am shocked and a bit disappointed. Not last night, I ate and I ate well. Next time I will order it with out the Chipotle Southwestern Sauce, (it alone accounted for 100 calories and 10 grams of fat) and just add some Dijon mustard when I get home, as it's only 5 calories per serving.
So, Hats Off! to Subway for providing an easy, healthy fast food choice, and if you're listening Subway please bring back the Asiago Caeser sauce!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The Right Tools
Then she kept going! She suggested I keep a food journal, utilize calorie counters, support programs, and try and get more exercise in everyday life if I can't afford a gym membership. She also pointed me in the direction of the MyPyramid which is the governments website on "Steps towards a healthier you."
So, here I was, for years throwing my hands up in the air, thinking I don't know how to lose weight. Well guess what? There's tools for that. The right tools for the right job. A carpenter needs a hammer, and I need a calorie counter! I checked out several different websites googling the phrase calorie counter and found that there's several to choose from.
My favorite is My Calorie Counter by Everyday Health, it has so many different features, tools, and calculators for tracking all kinds of things, not just your calories! My Calorie Counters' food journal lets you start off by entering your weight and height, from there you can set your target weight goal, and the date you'd like to complete it in. You can track these and your measurements in a nice graph as you go along.
Inputting your caloric intake for the day is very easy. Select which meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack etc.) and click the add food button. You'll be prompted to search foods, select recently added foods, search favorites, or create you own custom foods where you can enter the data from the nutritional facts yourself.
The food journal tallies all calories you enter into a field in the bottom of the page, and tells you when you are over or under in calories, fat, carbs, sodium, cholesterol and more. It will also deduct any calories burned for the day that you enter in to the exercise log at the bottom of the page.
My Calorie Counter offers many more features than the food journal. In addition to their community peer support system, they also offer you a place to blog about your progress, share photos or comments with others if you choose. They also offer calorie management tips, recipes, a meal planner, shopping list generator, BMR and BMI calculators and even a glucose trackers for those who are diabetic.
Now I will admit that I don't use my calorie tracker daily. I set my daily limits to 1500-1800 calories a day and started entering foods for the first week with out making any changes to my diet. This was a very BIG eye opener, and honestly this was game changer for me. I learned a lot about what and how much I eat. Now I keep these guidelines I set for myself in mind when I read labels. I keep a mental tally of how many calories I eat. Once a week though I will generally log in, track my calories for the day and see how I'm doing.
Another great website I found was Calorie King, they offer a vast database of nutritional information on tons of different foods. I have bookmarked their website so I can easily look up foods easily.
Well I hope these tools can help someone else out there. Counting calories is not fun and can be a little time consuming, but I guarantee it will provide you with important information about your diet.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Wii Fit Plus + Balance Board for the Nintendo Wii
There's 5 main segments to the game: training plus, yoga, strength training, aerobics and balance games. Each segment offers numerous activities, or you can enter the My Wii Fit Plus area where you can create and/or combine exercise to customize your workout.
The Wii Fit body test not only weighs you and tells you where your center of balance lies, but it will give you your Body Mass Index or BMI. The program lets you set a weight loss goal and the time you'd like to complete it in. You get a stamp everyday on your calendar that you perform a body test and a graph to show your progress. You'll earn coins for every minute of exercise you do in a day, this will unlock new exercises as you go along. It also has a calorie counter that lets you know how many calories you burned per exercise or for your whole workout.
Another really cool feature is the lock function you can add to your Mii character in the Wii Fit game, your 4 digit pin allows you to hide your weight and stats from prying eyes. For those of you unfamiliar with the Wii gaming system the Mii is the character you create to represent yourself as a player.
I highly recommend buying the Wii Fit Plus system for the Wii, it's just amazing. I'd like to get the "Step It Up Wii Fit Aerobics Step Platform" which sits under your Wii Fit Balance Board to bring it to the standard aerobics height of 4". This version includes a drawer for organizing your Wii accessories. Anything that can help me lose more weight and stay organized is a winner in my book! Maybe I can get the significant other to get it for me when my birthday rolls around here in 2 months :)
My weight loss plan
So, for the last few months I have been trying to eat better, read nutrition facts, and try to incorporate more exercise. I have yet to have my cholesterol levels re-checked, but I plan on waiting a few months till my birthday to get re-checked.
However, I am now exercising. I got the Wii Fit Plus for Christmas this year from the significant other. I've had it for a month, and while I had a bit of a shaky start, I am proud to say that for the first time in my life I am working out at least 2-3 times a week for at least 20 minutes to an hour.
I have big goals for my human transformation, but health is my main goal. I'd like to lower my cholesterol, improve my muscle strength and coordination. I'd also like to lose about 80 pounds. It's a lot, but I've given myself a nice roomy goal of Christmas of 2011, to obtain it.
This blog is basically going to be my weight loss plan and journal, and maybe help offer suggestions that will help others in their human transformation.
Disclaimer: I am NOT a physician, nor do I have any medical training. The information contained in this blog should not be in any way considered medical advice. PLEASE consult your physician before beginning any kind of diet or workout plan.